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Hi Ree,
I like your blog! I would like to recommend that you find a local library and use that to help feed your obsession. It does save on space and saves some money, even though us bookaholics will never give up buying books entirely. I just finished a book about Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton, fascinating personal side of the great British naval hero as told by the love of his life. Also one called An Echo In The Bone by Diana Gabaldon. This is an ongoing series that began with Outlander. It involves time travel through standing stones back 200 years into the era of Scotland’s last great rebellion and is currently also involving the American Revolution as the main characters travel in that time. Very engrossing reading though the first several books have more sexual information than I would care to know, not being a fan of steamy details. But the story and characters are so engrossing that I have persevered and am glad that seems to have been toned down over time. Has Josh gotten you to read A Game of Thrones? Still waiting for the finale years later an that one. I really like Dan Simmons work, but haven’t read the one you mentioned. I’m glad we share the book obsession! I like to call it my one vice, as I do have trouble stopping a book…


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