Archives for September 13, 2010

Impossible by Nancy Werlin

Title:  Impossible Author:  Nancy Werlin Genre: Young Adult Publisher:  Speak Publication Date:  August 11, 2009 Paperback: 384 pages Where’d I Get It: Library Synopsis (From Goodreads):  Lucy has nine months to break an ancient curse in order to save both herself and her unborn daughter. Inspired by the ballad “Scarborough Fair,” this riveting novel combines […]

Monday Meanderings #2

My first stop today was over at my friend Bree’s place.  She’s the author of 1Girl2ManyBooks and is a dear friend of mine.  I absolutely love reading her reviews, because they never fail to tell me straight up what’s great or what’s horrid about a book.  One of my favorite posts of hers is a […]