Archives for June 2012

Hello, folks.

I’m sure that you’ve noticed that since having to take a hiatus for a family emergency, I still have not returned to reviewing books.  Honestly, I haven’t even had time to -read- a book since leaving for Mississippi in April. What’s been going on with me: As I mentioned, in April I had to leave […]

Christopher Pike’s Thirst V – The Sacred Veil

If you click here you can pre-order the title through Amazon. That’s not an affiliate link…I get nothing for you ordering, I just want to share the love. I may or may not have squealed a little bit when I saw it pop up. Actually, I didn’t squeal at all, because the baby’s sleeping right […]

Blog Tour – Carol Tibaldi’s Willow Pond

We’re hosting Carol Tibaldi today via Chick Lit Plus blog tours. She’s got a debut novel out, Willow Pond, that I’ve been super excited about. My review of the book will go up tomorrow. 🙂 For now, please enjoy an excerpt from the novel, and an interview between Carol and one of the characters of […]