Archives for October 2, 2010

New Female Protagonist Rating System

/begin rant From now on, if there’s a female protagonist in the book I’m reviewing, my review will state whether they are “Bellaesque” or “Non-Bellaesque”  Why? Because I’ve read far too many books lately that make me want to grab the protagonist by the shoulders, shake her, tell her to get some bloody self respect, […]

Darklight by Lesley Livingston

Title: Darklight Author: Lesley Livingston Genre: Young Adult Publisher: HarperTeen Publication Date: December 22, 2009 Hardcover: 320 pages Where’d I Get It:  Borrowed Beauty from the Library Synopsis (From Goodreads): Much has changed since autumn, when Kelley Winslow learned she was a Faerie princess, fell in love with changeling guard Sonny Flannery, and saved the […]